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Advanced Security for Outlook Current version: 2.33

Advanced Security for Outlook

Get rid of annoying security alerts in Microsoft Outlook! Advanced Security for Outlook allows you to determine the violator as well as specifying the status for this program for future occasions e.g. allow access, block access or run the default Outlook handler. Future specified actions will be executed automatically and Outlook Security will cease to annoy you with messages concerning attempts to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook.

Click here for more screenshotsThe standard security system has two drawbacks: first, it does not allow users to determine the source of the threat, second, a lot of other applications developed before the security system appeared can be unbearably annoying due to the constant warning appearances. Since the security system is constantly updated, even a "fresh" program can get into the list of such applications. There is still another drawback resulting from the first two: the user must temporarily disable the security system thus allowing any other program to work without any security system restrictions.

This add-in for Outlook solves all of the above problems providing the information not only about the type of alert, but also about what program caused it and makes it possible for the user to specify what status this program should have: allow access, block access or run the default Outlook handler. Later on you can change or delete the decision taken.

It should be mentioned that there is a range of tasks (albeit rather limited) which an Outlook developer can implement only through the use of the object model and its "blocked" methods. In this case Advanced Security is one of indispensable outlook addins when using such an application.

System requirements

  • Microsoft Outlook 2019 (32-bit), 2016 (32-bit), 2013 (32-bit), 2010 (32-bit), 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP);
  • Outlook for Microsoft 365/Office 365 in Windows;
  • Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, 2003, XP.

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Ordering Information

Advanced Security for Outlook is free for commercial and non-commercial use.

Component for developers!
MAPILab Ltd, together with Add-in Express Ltd, have released Outlook Security Manager (.NET, VCL and ActiveX editions). Stay with Outlook Objects without any security troubles!
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User testimonials
True heaven thanks for saving my life getting outlook 2003 and its infernal security dialogue for a know script that I had written! Thanks to this nifty program I can now save email to txt file in an import folder for practice management software to import completely automatically Many thanks!


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