A detailed comparison of merging features in Office built-in mail merge and Mail Merge Toolkit editions

In 2018, MAPILab released a new edition of our extremely popular mail merging app – Mail Merge Toolkit Professional. This edition contains some features which are the most desirable for corporate mailings. So there are 3 different solutions that can cover user requests regarding personalized emails distribution with Microsoft Outlook, Word and Publisher.

We received a range of questions regarding the difference between all the solutions mentioned above. To make this case clear, we would like to offer a comparison table that contains all general mail merging features and shows their presence in each solution.

Feature Built-in
mail merge
feature in MS Office
Mail Merge
Toolkit Standard
Mail Merge
Toolkit Professional
Setup and run personalized email campaigns
Outlook contacts as data source for merging
Outlook contact custom fields support
Excel spreadsheet as data source for merging
SharePoint list as data source for merging
Support of other data sources for merging
Works with Outlook, Word, Publisher
Support Microsoft 365 for Windows, Office 2021-2003
Personalized Word document (DOCX) in attachment
Personalized PDF in attachment
Password-protect created PDF and DOCX files
Edit email body when sending PDF or DOCX attachment
Personalized email subject
Add recipients to CC and BCC
Mail Merge with attachments
Send personal attachments for each recepient
Change the sender’s email account in Oulook
Send As, Send on Behalf permissions support for Microsoft 365 and Exchange mailboxes
Batch delivery
Delay or Schedule sending
Request Delivery, Read Receipts
Add digital signature and encrypt messages
For all messages

For selected campaings
Track clicks using UTM parameters
Exclusion list of recipients
Sending messages in HTML
Sending messages in HTML-filtered (email size decreasing)
Sending messages in Plain Text
Sending messages in RTF
Emails with “Image map” technology
Send GIF-based emails from Microsoft Publisher

30 thoughts on “A detailed comparison of merging features in Office built-in mail merge and Mail Merge Toolkit editions

  1. Great toolkit. I’am wondering how I can give a merged e-mail a priority or reminder for the receiver. Is there an option for?

    1. Thank you! Such features are not yet available. Can you please provide more details on your scenario, so we could research it and find the best way to implement it in future versions?

      1. +1 for this feature.

        We wish to set “High Priority” and also apply a custom reminder so the email stands out for important email notifications in our company. At the moment, we use the generic Word mail merge function, go off-line, complete the merge and manually edit each email to apply these settings which is an onerous task.

  2. Hi, I am planning to purchase Mail Merge Toolkit feature for 5 users. But before proceeding, I have downloaded the trial version and have few questions if someone can help me out.
    1. I am trying to send various attachments under one specific files folder, but it seems like it is not able to link the attachments with my personalized emails when I try to send. However, in my data source it only links the attachments only if I specify the field name with the ext. like .pdf, .exl.
    Please let me know if there is any way I can just link the folder which contains various attachments.
    2. If in future, while using the product, if we encounter any technical problem, who should we try to repost to for speedy and accurate solutions? I tried contacting Microsoft out look’s IT department and they were not able to help me. for mapilab, I tried to leave the message on the window but did not anything back.
    Your help will be appreciated! Thanks.

    1. Hello!

      1) Mail Merge Toolkit supports file masks. For example, all files from the “Recipient1” folder will be attached if you specify: C:\Users\Mark\Documents\Recipient1\*.*

      2) I’ve located your question in the Trouble Ticket system and it was quickly replied to by our Support team. Please make sure that mapilab.com is not being blocked by your spam filters, to receive all notifications. This is the best way to reach us for any required assistance: https://www.mapilab.com/support/

  3. Many years ago I used your Mail Merge to control the rate at which my emails are sent. I am in a new job and downloaded the trial, with a view to buying it again. However, does this functionality still exist – as I cannot see it?

  4. Hello Team. What is the maximum capacity of recipients for sending mass communication using Mail Merge Toolkit. Is it different when we send with attachment?

    1. UPDATED: Registered Mail Merge Toolkit allow unlimited throughput of messages, but please note: external limitations – such as your mail server/service provider’s daily sending quota, for example – still apply. For such cases there is an option to control the sending rate.

  5. Does it support multiple, semicolon or comma delineated recipients in a single Excel cell? This is a key feature missing from the built in Word mail merge.

      1. I have 18 recipients in one excel cell, seperated by semicolon. But just the first 10 get the mail, the rest is cut off (I’m testing the trial version). Is there a limit to recipients in one cell?

      2. Yes, there is indeed a limitation of 256 characters per cell. If possible, please divide the addresses into smaller batches or separate cells in order to implement your usage scenario.

  6. Hi, would Mail Merge Toolkit be able to send multiple attachments to the same person? i.e. send 1 file to person A, but send 5 attachments to person B.

    1. Hello, in order to implement this scenario – your data-source has to resemble the following structure:
      Name Email Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3
      Julie [email protected] C:\File_1.zip C:\File_2.zip C:\File_3.zip
      Mark [email protected] C:\File_4.zip C:\File_5.zip C:\File_6.zip
      “Attachment 1″, “Attachment 2″ and “Attachment 3″ data fields can each be inserted in a single mailing.

      You might find this video tutorial helpful: https://www.mapilab.com/outlook/mail_merge/custom-attachment.html

    2. Hello Jason, thank you for your question.
      Yes, Mail Merge Toolkit supports attaching multiple or/and different recipient-specified and static files – and as many as you wish (and your system supports) to your messages. (This option is supported in the trial mode as well.)
      The add-in enables you attaching all file types, and all files which exist in your available folders (local and shared ones).
      You can select the same static files for all recipients, or also specify full filename (path+filename+ext) in your data source – by adding as many fields as many files you wish to attach:

      You can also keep cells for some recipients in the data source blank – and no files will be attached for them even if the data field is selected.

      A sample of such use is offered in this video: https://www.mapilab.com/outlook/mail_merge/mail_merge_attachments.html

      Filemasks (like “*.png”) can be used as well in the data source – for attaching multiple files from single folder.

  7. I am running Mail Merge Tool Kit Standard on Windows 10 Pro with Word and Outlook 2016. Everything works exactly as expected except for the actual sending of the messages. I am able to run the mail merge starting in Word and then selecting Mail Merge Tool Kit. I then make all my selections in the dialogue box that appears, and the email messages merge perfectly, grabbing the applicable PDF attachments. They all go to my outbox and then sit there. I’ve tried closing and re-opening Outlook. I’ve tried working offline and then online again. I’ve tried to force it to send/receive all accounts. Nothing. The only way I can get the messages to actually send is I open each one individually and click send. With nearly 1,000 to send out, that’s going to take forever and give my carpal tunnel syndrome in the process. Any suggestions on how to get the emails to send without the manual intervention?

    1. Hello Adam, thank you for your question.
      Please check the size of your PST or OST file – issues with large mailboxes and solutions are described here: https://www.msoutlook.info/question/852
      You may also need to compact or repair your local mailbox store (PST or OST): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/troubleshoot/data-files/how-to-repair-personal-folder-file

      Actually, Microsoft recommends to perform both procedures from time to time.
      II. Please test if the regular “Electronic Mail” or “Finish&Merge” Mail Merge options work in your system without issues and send messages to/via Outlook.
      1. If they do not not – you may need to repair your Office installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/repair-an-office-application-7821d4b6-7c1d-4205-aa0e-a6b40c5bb88b
      2. If the regular Mail Merge works, please try to re-enable the add-in Outlook component:
      remove the tick from its check box in Outlook COM Add-Ins, click OK, then point back – and put the checkmark, then hit OK. This step runs specific troubleshooting – so please do not ignore it.
      3. If that does not help either – please re-install the add-in.

  8. I have tried everything and just can’t see to be able to install Mail Merge Tool Kit on my computer. I operate Win 10 with latest updates; 8GB RAM – 1 TB HD with high speed internet.
    I use Office 365.
    What else can I do to make this work.

  9. What exactly is a personalized PDF in attachment? Does this mean attaching different documents for different recipients?

    1. Hello Matthew, thank you for your question.
      Attaching different recipient-specified files is supported in both license models: if such files exit in your folders, you can specify full file name (path\filename.ext) in your data source for each recipient. A sample of such use is offered in this video tutorial:
      The PRO version can generate personal attachments, i.e. it converts your personalized document text to individual PDF (RTF, HTML) files and attaches such files to the message (“Send as PDF/RTF/HTML attachment”).

  10. I’m having regular problems with my Mail Merge Tool Kit. For a while, I was using it successfully. But recently, I tried sending an email to 330 people from a large excel document with different columns. I needed only two of the “email” columns with addresses and the next thing I knew, Mail Merge Tool Kit was preparing to send to 2500 recipients. Fortunately, I was able to stop the merge and kill them from my outbox.

    I got en error message: see attached.

    Then I went ahead and disabled. We reinstalled and the same problem occurred again. So, I tried different documents (letter and excel doc with addresses) and the number of emails were 652 instead of 214.

    I stopped again. Then I tried to send from my co-worker’s computers (she also has Mail Merge Tool Kit) and the same problems happened.

    I should tell you that we both have to enable the add-in under options each time we want to use Mail Merge Tool Kit.

    Got any ideas of how we can solve this problem. Our in-house help desk is stumped. They have asked me to find a different product. I don’t want to do that.

    1. Hello Vickie, thank you for your message, we appreciate your interest in our software.
      Since the instance reporting of an issue is Microsoft Office Word, probably, repairing Office installation will help.
      The better algorithm would be:
      1) Uninstallation of Mail Merge Toolkit;
      2) Repairing Office installation;
      3) Installation of Mail Merge Toolkit with the recommended settings: double-click on the setup file with the current user permissions, and selection of the “Only for me” setting.

      With a POP+PST, or with an Exchange account if cache is enabled, repairing PST file and local mailbox copy (OST file) may also help.

      Actually, Microsoft recommends to perform both procedures from time to time.

      I could see that you contacted us in our trouble ticket system, and our specialists started working with you, so we hope the issue will be resolved soon.

  11. I believe the link you provided is for regular Mail Merge Toolkit, not the Pro version. Is there a trial download for the Pro version?

    1. There is ONE download (mentioned in my link below) for both Standard and PRO edition of Mail Merge Toolkit. The different editions require different license keys obtained after purchasing.

  12. Hello, I’m not finding a link to download a trial version of Mail Merge Toolkit PRO. Also, what are the options for upgrading an already-purchased (May 2018) Mail Merge Toolkit to the PRO version?

  13. Hi all at Mapilab! I need to be able to send Outlook Mail Merge email messages to a number of individual recipients with a personalised (certificate for the recipient) PDF attachment. I am able to send customised email mail merge messages to a list of recipients from Outlook but would like to expand the functionality and add that person’s personalised certificate document in PDF format.
    Can you please confirm that the Mail Merge Toolkit Standard will complete this function for me and is the right version to purchase. I will trial the software as well.

    1. Hi Sandra, The Mail Merge Toolkit PRO is a right product for you. Please download a trial version and test it. You can prepare a certificate in the Microsoft Word, add all necessary data fields (to include the personal data) and use an option “PDF attachment” to generate a PDF. You can also choose the file name for the attachment and the text which will be displaed in the message body.

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