What’s MAPILab user saying: “Thank you SO MUCH for the two duplicate remover programs”

The great feedback from one of our thousands respective customers – why Duplicate Email Remover and Duplicates Remover really rock when you are operating with Outlook! The story from Dave:

“I happened across your company and products by accident one day several years ago and they’ve proven invaluable on more occasions that I ever would have expected. I’m sort of a digital packrat, and have most (if not all) of my personal email going back to at least Y2K – delivered to about half a dozen different email addresses with broadcast announcement messages from my ISP etc.

About 6 years or so ago, I suffered multiple hard drive crashes – my primary died (which blew up my Outlook data file) and I had to run data recovery to move whatever I could salvage over to a new/empty drive while I waited for a warranty replacement drive from the manufacturer for the one that failed. Once I got it and started moving all my data back over to the new one and getting comfortable, the new drive blew up and I had to try and salvage what I could again… This happened about 4 or 5 times – each time leaving me with another fragmented Outlook PST file that I needed to merge and de-dupe..!

Once I found both of your Outlook Duplicate Remover products, they totally saved my life, my time, and my data. I ran into a similar issue at my last job (accounting) where an external hard drive had critical Outlook data files on it and died because it overheated – MAPILab saved the day for me there as well, and I’m back again to re-purchase/renew my licenses to clean up my PST files at my current job – they’re in the process of upgrading our Exchange server to 2013 and I’ve been getting the same message delivered sometimes as many as 10 times (though my rules aren’t running on them to sort them properly) and they’re also migrating our home folders to a new file server with a lower quota so I need to delete some of my PST files… Time to get busy doing a huge amount of consolidation and purging to get everything sorted the way it’s supposed to be and trimmed down to a single copy of each message with a single offline PST backup.

Thank you SO MUCH for the two duplicate remover programs, and definitely please keep them up to date with Outlook so they’re always available when I need them. I’m looking over the rest of your apps now to see if there’s anything else that I might have a use for!

Regards, David Levine, DHL Tech”

We are really happy to get such estimation of our efforts and would like to develop and enhance our Outlook add-ins for your best productivity and comfort!

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