7 June 2022
Important update for Mail Merge Toolkit
MAPILab is glad to introduce a new version of Mail Merge Toolkit - the solution for really personalized bulk mailing from one of the most popular mail clients - Microsoft Outlook. In version 5.2 we have fixed the issue when in some cases created HTML messages had encoding problems. Our Support Team has received several reports from users about random Chinese, Japanese characters or even some gibberish appearing in their messages. This was caused by one of the recent Microsoft 365 apps updates. It is strongly recommended to update your copy to avoid any further inconvenience.
Also, in this version you will find several useful new features:
- Option to keep emails in the Draft folder, instead of sending via Outbox
- Skip blank list items with empty merge field values
- When using merge document content both for attachment and email text, you can now select the message format: HTML or Plain Text
- New details in sending report: saved attachment path, missing attachments, row in a datasource, etc.
- And other improvements

Find more details and download Mail Merge Toolkit 5.2.
All the users with active license for the software maintenance service can get the new version of Mail Merge Toolkit without extra fees. You can check your license status at License renewal page. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. News list  |