8 April 2024
Mail Merge Toolkit version 7.0 is released!
We are delighted to introduce a major update of our Mail Merge Toolkit: Version 7.0 was released on April 3, 2024!
Here are the key enhancements, optimizations, and new features that come with this update:
- We have created an additional navigation panel to the ribbon, enabling users to preview the content of prepared emails before sending. This feature considers selected recipients in the data source, simplifying verification and expediting the process.
- New fields with dynamic data have been added for mail merge, including the current date and time, record sequence number, and more.
- The speed of creating emails in Microsoft Word and Publisher has been significantly increased, resulting in a doubling of message creation speed in certain scenarios.
- An issue where add-in dialogs could be hidden behind other windows, rendering them invisible, has been fixed. This rare system-dependent problem has been resolved, eliminating the need to minimize the top window to access the add-in dialog.
- A progress bar has been added to display the counting and preparation of records from the data source.
- The functionality of buttons at the mailing progress dialog has been revamped for a more streamlined user experience.
Thanks to these improvements, our Microsoft Office mail merge add-on becomes even easier to use and remains the safest and most secure solution for creating personalized newsletters because it works only with local data and entirely within your information system, without accessing any third-party services or websites.
Upgrade to Version 7.0 today and discover the enhanced capabilities of personalized mail merging! Version upgrade is free for all users with active subscription for the software maintenance. You can check the subscription status on our website here.
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