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Duplicate Email Remover End User License Agreement from 28.07.2023

By installing and using the software product Duplicate Email Remover (hereinafter referred to as the SOFTWARE) you agree to all the terms of this License. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this License, then do not install and use the SOFTWARE.

1. All the rights for the SOFTWARE belong to MAPILab Ltd., and they are protected by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and by international treaties.

2. The SOFTWARE is not free. The SOFTWARE is not sold; the SOFTWARE is licensed. You may use the SOFTWARE based on one of 2 license types:

a) Trial License. Provided automatically for 30 days and to use the SOFTWARE without any limitation on service functionality for that. This Agreement presupposes that you are using the SOFTWARE and the Trial License with the intent to acquire a license for the SOFTWARE after a successful test period. MAPILab may contact you to discuss the progress of your testing of the Service and the obtaining of a Subscription.

b) Subscription. This license provides use of the SOFTWARE according to a chosen subscription plan and that you can use the SOFTWARE according to the limitations and capabilities of the given subscription plan.

3. The license for use of the SOFTWARE gives you the non-exclusive right to install the SOFTWARE and use it on computers which number depends on the subscription plan. If the SOFTWARE is installed in a local network for shared usage, the number of computers specified in the subscription should correspond to the number of the computers the SOFTWARE is launched on.

4. You can distribute unmodified copies of the SOFTWARE without any limitations and without permission or license from the copyright owner. You can include the SOFTWARE into any software packages on floppy disks, CD-ROM or other media, place it on an Internet site, or distribute it through other networks.

5. The license for the SOFTWARE cannot be sold or transferred to third parties or leased without written permission of the copyright owner.

6. The license gives you no right to modify, decompile, disassemble, and clone the SOFTWARE, except for the cases where such actions are explicitly permitted by the legislation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and within the limits stated in such legislation.

7. MAPILab Ltd. gives no warranty that the SOFTWARE meets your requirements. The purpose of the Trial License is to give you an opportunity to evaluate whether the SOFTWARE meets your requirements. After you obtain the subscription for the SOFTWARE, you can't claim any refund of its cost until the end of the subscription period with the reasoning that the SOFTWARE doesn't meet your requirements or it used to meet them but doesn't any more.

8. MAPILab Ltd. is not liable for the loss of profit or any other damage occurred due to your use or improper use of the SOFTWARE. You use the SOFTWARE at your own risk.

9. MAPILab Ltd. reserves all the rights not explicitly stated in the license.

10. Failure comply with the provisions of this license agreement automatically results in termination of the SOFTWARE use license and may result in administrative and/or criminal prosecution.

11. By installing and using the SOFTWARE you accept the terms of the license agreement. If you disagree with any provisions of the license, remove the SOFTWARE files from your media and cease using it.

Duplicate Email Remover End User License Agreement until 27.07.2023

By installing and using the software product Duplicate Email Remover (hereinafter referred to as the SOFTWARE) you agree to all the terms of this License. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this License, then do not install and use the SOFTWARE.

1. All the rights for the SOFTWARE belong to MAPILab Ltd., and they are protected by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and by international treaties.

2. The SOFTWARE is not free. The SOFTWARE is not sold; the SOFTWARE is licensed. By accepting this license agreement, you can use the SOFTWARE within the 30-day trial period. Upon expiration of this trial period, you have to obtain the license for use of the SOFTWARE from MAPILab Ltd. or from its authorized representative. Otherwise, you should stop using the SOFTWARE and remove its files from your machine.

3. This license agreement, as well as the SOFTWARE use license, gives you non-exclusive right to use the SOFTWARE with the limitations this agreement explicitly provides for.

4. You can distribute unmodified copies of the SOFTWARE without any limitations and without permission or license from the copyright owner. You can include the SOFTWARE into any software packages on floppy disks, CD-ROM or other media, place it on an Internet site, or distribute it through other networks.

5. The license for use of the SOFTWARE gives you the non-exclusive right to install the SOFTWARE and use it on computers which number depends on the license type. If the SOFTWARE is installed in a local network for shared usage, the number of computers specified in the license should correspond to the number of the computers the SOFTWARE is launched on. License for use of the SOFTWARE doesn't impose any limitations on duration of the period of use (except for special limited trial use license); the license grants you a right to get updates of the SOFTWARE and your right for technical support of the SOFTWARE for free within one year. The license for getting the SOFTWARE updates and technical support can be prolonged on advantageous terms.

6. The license for the SOFTWARE cannot be sold or transferred to third parties or leased without written permission of the copyright owner.

7. The license gives you no right for to modify, decompile, disassemble, and clone the SOFTWARE, except for the cases where such actions are explicitly permitted by the legislation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and within the limits stated in such legislation.

8. MAPILab Ltd. gives no warranty that the SOFTWARE meets your requirements. The purpose of the 30-day limited license is to give you an opportunity to evaluate whether the SOFTWARE meets your requirements. After you obtain the license for use of the SOFTWARE, you can't claim any refund of its cost with the reasoning that the SOFTWARE doesn't meet your requirements or it used to meet them but doesn't any more. The annual renewal of the software license is non-refundable too.

9. Any log files of the SOFTWARE, access credentials, and other information about your infrastructure, which has been given to MAPILab Ltd. by you shall be deemed confidential information. If not specifically stated otherwise, MAPILab Ltd. has the right to send confidential information to its authorized representatives, and to transfer such information outside of your country. MAPILab Ltd. is obligated not to keep your confidential information more than two years and to use the best efforts to protect it. MAPILab Ltd. may contact you to discuss the progress of the testing of the SOFTWARE, the obtaining of a license and informing about important updates.

10. MAPILab Ltd. is not liable for the loss of profit or any other damage occurred due to your use or improper use of the SOFTWARE. You use the SOFTWARE at your own risk.

11. MAPILab Ltd. reserves all the rights not explicitly stated in the license.

12. Failure comply with the provisions of this license agreement automatically results in termination of the SOFTWARE use license and may result in administrative and/or criminal prosecution.

13. By installing and using the SOFTWARE you accept the terms of the license agreement. If you disagree with any provisions of the license, remove the SOFTWARE files from your media and cease using it.

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I'll bet even those who shouldn't be using a computer could figure out how to install and use this product. Amazingly simple to install and use... brilliant!

Jonathan Lance Aughey
MSB Consulting Group

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