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What's new in Mail Merge Toolkit?

Version 7.1 — released on September 06, 2024

  • New: Mail Merge via Outlook on the web is now limited supported;
  • New: the option for exporting personal messages to EML files is added;
  • Fixed: the problem with delay while processing large lists of recipients (over 1000) in the program navigation panel is resolved, and the "Cancel" option is added for this process;
  • Fixed: the program could be incorrectly terminated on some specific configurations.

Version 7.0 — released on April 03, 2024

  • New: an additional navigation panel is added to the ribbon, to preview the text of prepared emails before sending, taking into account selected recipients in the data source. This option allows skipping recipients, excluded in the data source, which simplifies and speeds up verification of prepared mails.
  • New fields with dynamic data are added, they can be used in mail merge: current date and time, record sequence number, etc.
  • Creation of emails in Microsoft Word and Publisher is significantly accelerated, due to optimization of work with temporary folders on the hard drive, speed of creating messages is more than doubled!
  • Fixed: an issue where add-in dialogs could be opened behind other windows (a rare system-dependent problem), they where invisible, and minimization of the top window was required to access add-in dialog. That looked like freezing of the settings dialog.
  • New: progress bar is added to display counting and preparing records from the data source.
  • The logic of the buttons at the mailing progress dialog is revamped.

Version 6.3 — released on November 24, 2023

  • New: Support of the Priority and Importance Flag.
  • New: Customizing Reply-To property.

Version 6.2 — released on September 13, 2023

  • Fixed: issue with processing "Send As" permission in Exchange/365 Shared Mailbox.
  • New: List of Exchange mailboxes with "Send on Behalf" permission is added as sender selection.

Version 6.1 — released on August 1, 2023

New feature lets you automatically add UTM parameters in the links in mail merge emails and attachments. That allows to track clicks in Google Analytics or other systems.

Version 6.0.1 — released on April 4, 2023

  • Add-in dialogue for saving basic document is added.
  • Applying registration code for “silent” group installations is now supported.
  • New: the delay setting is extended with the selection of exact sending time and date.

Version 6.0 — released on January 16, 2023

Version 5.3 — released on July 22, 2022

  • New possibility to send messages with digital signature and encryption is added.
  • Compatibility with the recent versions and builds of Office 2021 and Microsoft 365 Apps for Windows.

Version 5.2 — released on June 2, 2022

In this version we have fixed the issue when in some cases created HTML messages had encoding problems. This was caused by one of the recent Microsoft 365 apps updates.

Also, you will find several new useful features:
  • New: Option to keep emails in the Draft folder, instead of sending via Outbox.
  • New: Skip blank list items with empty merge field values.
  • New: When merge document content is used both for attachment and email body, you can now select message format: HTML or Plain Text.
  • New details in sending report: saved attachment path, missing attachments, row in a datasource, etc.

Version 5.1 — released on February 17, 2022

Version 5.0.1 — released on November 1, 2021

Compatibility with Microsoft Office 2021 and Windows 11 is added.

Version 5.0 — released on May 26, 2021

  • PDF-attachments generated using corresponding message format can be protected with a password now. Available in the PRO edition only.
  • message format "DOCX Attachment" is added, as well as password protection/encryption for DOCX-attachments. Available in the PRO edition only.
  • The final sent report can be customized now: a possibility to add columns and several other message generation parameters is added. Available in the PRO edition only.
  • Numerous improvements in the options dialogue:
    • option to enable saving settings and selections for the next use, option to enable saving settings and selections for the next use
    • option to use attachment text as message body
    • trial period day counter

Version 4.3.1 — released on December 7, 2020

Naming capabilities for personalized attachments are enhanced: using an optional name and multiple merge fields is possible.

Version 4.3 — released on January 24, 2020

  • Support of the exclusion list is added: messages are not sent to these recipients, even if the addresses are present in the main recipient list or data source.
  • New option of generating detailed report for created messages.
  • Fixed: a problem with missing spaces in the attachment filenames, obtained from the data file field.

Version 4.2 — released on September 5, 2019

  • New: the option "Save copies of the generated files to folder" is now available for RTF and HTML/MHT attachments as well.
  • New: a possibility to send product logs to the MAPILab Support Team is added.
  • Fixed: an error could appear with the "PDF/RTF/HTML Attachment" message format if message body was kept blank.
  • Fixed: in the "Save copies of the generated PDF files to folder" option, an issue with the incorrect file name format is resolved if a data source field is selected as file name.
  • New: the mail profile selection option is added.

Version 4.1 — released on June 17, 2019

  • New: tracking email campaign results with Google Analytics.
  • Check for running programs from the Microsoft Office suite during the installation of the add-in is added, as well as the possibility of force closing them for the correct installation of the add-in.
  • Check of the launch of the installation of the add-in with another user`s rights (Run as Administrator) and automatic selection of the correct installation method is added.

Version 4.0.1 — released on April 4, 2019

  • Mechanism of embedding images into HTML-formatted messages is significantly improved.
  • Fixed: an error with loading .NET module for connection to SharePoint, known on the systems where different .NET Framework versions are installed, is resolved.

Version 4.0 — released on December 28, 2018

  • New: program interface is completely redesigned. Sending personal mailings is now smarter and faster.
  • New: personal messages sent attached as files in the PDF format can be saved to the specified local folder or network share.
  • New: the number of recipients is displayed.
  • Fixed: an issue with processing file masks in the filenames got from the data source.
  • New: options for viewing program logs are added.
  • New: custom setting to delay the start of mailing is added.
  • Updated Help file.

Version 3.0.2 — released on October 9, 2018

Support for Microsoft Outlook 2019 is added.

Version 3.0.1 — released on April 19, 2018

  • Fixed: an issue with processing large recipient lists known with the 32-bit Office 2016 edition.
  • Diagnostics logs are improved for advanced troubleshooting.

Version 3.0 — released on February 22, 2018

Version — released on August 18, 2017

  • Fixed: an issue with adding the add-in toolbar to the "Mailings" ribbon tab in Publisher and Word, known in several cases with Microsoft Office 2013-1016.
  • Fixed: the "Invalid registry data type" error, known with the recent updates applied over the version 2.6 and lower installed previously.

Version — released on May 17, 2017

  • Revised and updated installation / deployment mechanism of the add-in for Microsoft Office applications has been added:
    • diagnostics of the current MS Office configuration;
    • add-in loading diagnostics in Word, Outlook and Publisher;
    • mechanism for fixing loading issues in case the add-in is disabled in any Office applications.
  • Diagnostics logs enriched with a new detailed data to simplify troubleshooting.

Version — released on February 10, 2017

  • An update for the mechanism for prevention of a system security warning from Outlook when trying to access items has been implemented. This warning appeared in systems of some languages after installation of Outlook 2016.

Version — released on January 30, 2017

Improved handling of large lists of recipients when operating memory is low.

Version 2.12 — released on October 12, 2016

  • New feature is added: current document name can be used to rename the attached file which contains the main message text, when the “PDF/HTML/RTF Attachment” message format is selected.
  • Fixed: the error known with some specific configurations on closing publication in Publisher.

Version 2.11 — released on July 4, 2016

  • New: Logging level option is added for troubleshooting: Mail Merge Toolkit Help button (down-pointing arrow)-> Logging.
  • New: alternate action for messages with attachments is added: if the file is unavailable, you can select to stop sending the message with failing attachment. Other available alternates: Skip for this message, Skip for all messages, Stop sending.
  • Fixed: an issue with detection of the records number in the data source if some specific filters are used.

Version 2.10 — released on March 22, 2016

If the modes “HTML/RTF/PDF Attachment” are selected for the main document, inserting graphics is now supported for the outgoing HTML message body, generated by the add-in based on the custom form.

Version 2.9 — released on September 7, 2015

  • Support for Microsoft Office 2016 has been added;
  • Support for Windows 10 has been added.

Version 2.8 — released on January 19, 2015

The format of the outgoing message is changed if the modes: “HTML Attachment”, “RTF Attachment”, or “PDF Attachment” are selected as message format in the add-in settings. The new version of Mail Merge Toolkit generates messages in the HTML format, instead of the previously used RTF.

Version 2.7 — released on June 25, 2014

  • An issue with incorrect converting publication to the GIF format by using Mail Merge in Microsoft Office Publisher 2007-2013 is fixed.
  • New feature is added in Microsoft Office Publisher: export of publication to the PDF format.
  • The method of editing in Microsoft Office Publisher is updated: the built-in editor is now used.
  • If you select the "PDF Attachment" message formats in Publisher, you can configure using a separate template in the message body (so that it is not empty if you send your message text as an attachment).
  • Unicode support is added.
  • The bug of processing filters by the data source record numbers is fixed.

Version 2.6.4 — released on May 27, 2014

  • Compatibilty with Microsoft Office 2013 Service Pack 1 (KB2817430) is added.
  • New feature is added: you can use a separate template in the message body if selecting message formats like: "HTML Attachment", "RTF Attachment", "PDF Attachment" (in previous versions, message text was sent in the attachment, and message body was empty).
  • An issue with incorrect displaying specific local characters is fixed.
  • The method of sending messages with attachment is optimized.

Version 2.6.3 — released on October 18, 2013

  • An issue when the registration code is unsaved known if running Microsoft Office Word without Administrator credentials is fixed.
  • Unicode paths to the attached files (specific national characters in filenames) are now supported.
  • New feature: file masks are now supported in the name of attached files.
  • An issue with sending blank message body is fixed: it was known in several cases with the systems where non-English local language settings were used.

Version 2.6.2 — released on February 25, 2013

The feature to send personalized messages as PDF attachments has been added.

Version 2.6.1 — released on November 16, 2012

Support for Microsoft Office 2013 and Windows 8 has been added.

Version 2.6 — released on December 19, 2011

A possibility to use data source fields inside of automated Word fields (for example, Database field) is added.

Version 2.5.7 — released on October 14, 2010

The problem with displaying full path to the attachments has been fixed.

Version 2.5.6 — released on February 19, 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 Beta (64-bit editions) support has been added.

Version 2.5.5 — released on December 10, 2009

Microsoft Office 2010 Beta (32-bit editions) support has been added.

Version 2.5.4 — released on July 22, 2009

  • Deployment capability has been extended;
  • Minor interface changes.

Version 2.5.3 — released on December 23, 2008

Support for Microsoft Outlook 2007 hotfix package KB958789 has been added.

Version 2.5.2 — released on December 18, 2007

The problem with adding extra character to end of the message has been fixed.

Version 2.5.0 — released on December 11, 2006

Windows Vista and Office 2007 support has been added.

Version 2.4.0 — released on April 20, 2006

  • Attachment Manager has been added.
  • Program Installation Wizard has been improved.
  • Enhanced Help section.
  • The list of company's products and their description has been updated.

Version 2.3.0 — released on January 17, 2006

Some bugs have been fixed.

Version 2.2.0 — released on July 8, 2005

Version 2.1.0 — released on June 11, 2005

  • The way to select accounts has beed changed.
  • Now you can send the merged messages with background images.

Version 2.0.0 — released on May 27, 2005

The message converter has been rewritten and the bugs with message formatting have been fixed.

Version 1.7 — released on March 14, 2005

New option to send messages through a specifed Outlook account.

Version 1.6 — released on February 23, 2005

German language has been added.

Version 1.5 — released on January 13, 2005

Bug with sending messages by Excel datasource has been fixed.

Version 1.4 — released on August 27, 2004

  • Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatibility issues are fixed.
  • Product was tested with Windows XP 64-bit Edition, no known issues.

Version 1.3 — released on August 10, 2004

  • The Button "Mail Merge Toolkit" has been added to the "Mail Merge" toolbar of Microsoft Word.
  • Now you can send the merged messages like attachments in the RTF format.
  • A possibility to send messages to recipients from exchange server's address book has been added.

Version 1.2 — released on January 14, 2004

  • Add-in now allows the user to choose save or not to save sent messages(to the Sent Items folder).
  • Some bugs have been fixed.

Version 1.1 — released on October 24, 2003

Bug with recognizing the type of message attachment has been fixed.

Version 1.0 — released on October 9, 2003

First public version.
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User testimonials
This mail merge toolkit outlook standard edition is already good enough for me to do the following: personalize email subject, personalize email content with custom field, add personalized attachment (this is really useful to me). One good thing, since it uses outlook, I can use my own mail server to send the mail which does not need to worry about the sending limit. The follow-up mail becomes a lot easier as well.

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